A Unique Approach

Your body changes so much throughout pregnancy - massage therapy can keep you in touch with yourself. As your body changes, so will your treatment. Your hips, back, jaw, neck and ribs will receive the attention they need as your baby grows and your body shifts in preparation to birth your baby.
Payment can be made by e-transfer or cash. No debit/credit cards.
We do not direct bill to insurance.
60 min - $126
75 min - $150
Includes GST
Appointments available on Saturday,
Sunday or Mondays
This treatment session focuses on you, the woman and mother, after your baby is born. Postpartum massage is all about helping your body recover from giving birth and your new role as a mom! We start where you are at and move to where you would like to be in your moving, healthy, mothering body.
Payment can be made by e-transfer or cash. No debit/credit cards.
We do not direct bill to insurance.
60 min - $126
75 min - $150
Includes GST
Appointments available on Saturday,
Sunday or Mondays
Massaging your scar is an important component in recovering from a cesarean birth. It can increase blood flow, reduce pain and sensitivity in this area, and prevent the scar from growing larger. We will also provide you with techniques for you to take home to work on your own body.
Payment can be made by e-transfer or cash. No debit/credit cards.
We do not direct bill to insurance.
60 min - $126
75 min - $150
Includes GST
Appointments available on Saturday,
Sunday or Mondays